3,000,000 SDX Available to buy on BSC

1 min readApr 20, 2022

The time has come. SwapDEX has created the first Liquidity Pool on the Binance Smart Chain after successfully implementing their SDX-BSC Bridge.

Since Friday, April 8th 2022, over 3,000,000 bSDX — the wrapped SDX token — are availabe on PancakeSwap to purchase via BUSD (the Stable coin native to the Binance Smart Chain)

Here’s the link to the Trading Pair:

To follow the price chart, visit: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x351494731d28f35d648c200b35e628aecba3e577

After the purchase, you’ll be able to transfer your wrapped tokens to the native SDX Coin via the Swapdex Dashboard, enabling you to participate in On-Chain Governance as well as Staking (Nominating and Validating)

This requires you to have both Metamask and the Polkadot.JS extension installed in your browser.

Bi-Weekly AMAs

SwaDEX also started to implement bi-weekly AMAs on our Discord, with the next iteration scheduled for April, 29th 2022.

Stay tuned for futher development updates, upcoming D’Apps on our Blockchains and our Marketing Plans for the future.

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We aim to revolutionize the future of DeFi by providing the industry-leading blockchain and end-to-end financial platform within a community-governed Ecosystem